Discover the Joy of Cigars with the Women’s Cigar Club
Are you ready to ignite your passion for cigars in a welcoming and vibrant community? The Women’s Cigar Club at Your Cigar Den is the perfect gathering for women who love cigars—or are simply curious about them!
On the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM, our North Store transforms into a haven of connection, learning, and indulgence. Women from all walks of life come together to celebrate the art of cigar smoking in an environment that’s warm, inclusive, and brimming with camaraderie.
Each meeting features a carefully selected cigar paired with delightful accompaniments—whether it’s a smooth cocktail, a fine wine, luscious chocolate, or other thoughtfully chosen pairings. These pairings aren’t just treats for the senses; they’re gateways to discovering the stories, flavors, and craftsmanship that make each cigar unique.
Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or lighting up for the first time, the Women’s Cigar Club is your chance to explore the cigar lifestyle in a relaxed and friendly setting. Bring your friends or come solo—you’ll leave with new knowledge, new connections, and a newfound appreciation for the world of cigars.
No RSVP needed. Just drop by, and let the experience unfold. We can’t wait to welcome you to an unforgettable evening!